Today we decided to return to Antelope Slot Canyon where we had come last April to photograph the beauty of canyonland. Cheryl and Flo had never seen the canyons and this was a treat for them.

Every few moments the light beams would just appear.

It's not just about the light beams - just viewing the beauty of the canyon walls was more than thrilling... the way the light played off the sides of the canyon was magical.

Going to Antelope Canyon to shoot the light beams is a challenge - especially during the height of tourist season - between June and Sept - so we did the best we could with crowds of people in the canyon.

I asked our guide Josh to stand in the light beam so that I could grab a quick shot of him that way.... only got one shot out before they asked us to move along...wish I would have had more time to get it better composed... but it was a fun shot anyway.

Getting a double light beam is a gift.

Our Guide cleared the other people out of the way so that we could capture the light beams without anyone in the images.

Most people come to Antelope Canyon to capture these light beams - which are beautiful.

I wanted to put in a couple of images with the other people who were in the canyon for you to see the scope of the environment and how tall the canyon really was & sometimes pretty crowded to shoot in.

This formation is called "the Heart" for good reason - if viewed from just the right angle - it does look like a heart... our guide Josh showed us how to capture it.

These two images are shot as I pointed the camera up towards the ceiling of the canyon where the light was coming in.

This is the space that we had to walk through at times... the canyon is very narrow and tall - oftentimes just enough room to squeeze through the narrows sideways..

Looking up to the ceiling of the canyon we could see the light coming into the canyon.

Sometimes just the beauty of the wall creations that were sculptured by time and weather was enough to take our breath away.

A single beam cuts across th canyon.

Josh played a beautiful Flute melody inside the Slot Canyon as well as outside during our break.

Our Guide - Josh took good care of us during our travels into Antelope Canyon.
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