While driving through town we found this treat - a real Hollywood Movie Set Museum in Kanab, UT.... many westerns were filmed here in Utah and many of the western props, sets and parts are here in this museum... a perfect place for 4 gals to get into trouble.....

We took on our roles and were ready for fun!

Oops!! Flo got caught in the Outhouse with her weapon... ready for action....

Our worlds turn to Yesteryear as we imagined ourselves back in the days of the west .... we started to have fun pretending and playing...

Oh-Oh... Co & Pearl got thrown into Jail for drinking and carousing.... is there no justice?!

Cheryl's ready to spring us out of Jail.

Texas Hold'em got pretty heated as Flo and Cheryl battled out the last hand.

Cheaters at card games usually end up this way...

The saddle is ready - but the front porch chair looks inviting to sit and rest a bit....
This set was used in a movie called "One Little Indian" starring Jodie Foster...

Our Ghostown is loaded with 'Bad Boys'... actually this set was used by Kenny Loggins for one of his concerts.

Our horses are ready for trotting around town and getting into more trouble.

All that horse riding and carousing meant it was time to bathe in the open air bath house where clean water is 10 cents and towels are 20 cents..

The laundry is done and so is our day...

As we left our Hollywood Ghost Town and our Cowgirl youth - we said Yippee Yi Kai Yeah!! Pardner till next time.... fun fun fun!!!
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