Route 89A was a great drive - we went through many beautiful and interesting places. The first was Lee's Ferry - where in the 1880's Pioneers crossed the Colorado river on a Ferry for a fee. This area was the only place within 100 miles where the canyon walls were low enough for wagon trains to cross.

Flo photographing one of the old homestead buildings that belonged to the workers at Lee's Ferry

Flo & Cheryl 'hold up' one of the Balancing Rocks that we saw on the Route 89A drive.

Another of the balancing rocks in this area.

Rte 89A brought us through beautiful and interesting areas.

Yes that's a boulder sitting on that house. This house was built by a woman in 1930 when her car broke down here because she loved the area so much she decided to build this little house around this fallen rock.

Blanche & Lucy rest a bit while visiting the Navajo Bridge - another great visit on Rte 89A - a hot day for puppies running around.

Blanche & Lucy and their best friend Luey had a great time on this stop-over.

The drive on 89A brought us through the Navajo Reservation and seeing the Navajo Bridge project.

Sign for the Navajo Bridge Project.

These are the 2 bridges in the Navajo Bridge project - a drive-over bridge and a pedestrian bridge.

This is one of 2 bridges build over the Colorado River. The bridge you see is the 'drive-over' bridge & I am shooting from the Pedestrian bridge.

The Colorado River flows beneath the Navajo Bridge.

These are the Vermillion Cliffs - seen on Rte 89A

More of Vermillion Cliffs
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