Today Blanche & Lucy and their friend Luey were very excited to visit Yellowstone National Park - and as with everywhere in this area - we found yet another painted Bison.

As we got into the little town of Yellowstone - we were anxious to see lots of 'Wildlife' in the park. Yellowstone National Park is in 3 states, Wyoming, Montana & Idaho.

Yellowstone National Park has acres and acres of mountain, forest, river, streams and hot springs to view... and we loved driving and hiking with the girls - and Blanche and Lucy loved running all over the park every day discovering new wonders.

We found Mammouth Hot Springs Park here in Yellostone ... these were to just tour and view not to dip into - though some seemed more tempting than others to dip into.

We walked along the wooden walkways to each Hot Spring to read about it from the information signs and watched as they bubbled and / or spouted high into the air - with steam billowing.

Each Hot Spring had a different name - Jet Geyser, Paint Pot, Red Spouter, Celestine Pool and more.

This Hot Spring was called Red Spouter...

This Hot Spring was called Fountain Paint Pot - it was thick and looked like bubbling paint -

As you can see the Bison just looked right into the cars as they made their way across the street.

Blanched watched as the Bison rested or started to cross the street.

I shot this image from the backseat of Co's car - that's little simba, the stuffed cat on the dash. As you can see the traffic does not disturb the Bison - we have to stop the cars to let them cross the street or they walk right into you.

The Bison came so close to the cars that you could practically reach out and touch them.

We stayed for 2 eruptions from Old Faithful - the first eruption only lasted a couple of minuets - the second lasted twice as long and erupted twice as high. It's pretty unpredictable which makes it so addictive to stay for many eruptions. Eruptions only happen every 90 min. so it's a long wait in between - of course they have tons of gift shops to keep you busy....

I tried to shoot the series of images as Old Faithful erupted taller and taller. You can double click on the image to make it bigger to see closer.

Blanche & Lucy loved looking for 'Wildlife' and got very quietly excited when they spotted a deer - they didn't bark just hypnotically stared....

On our search for 'Wildlife' - we got very excited to see the Mule Deer resting in the meadow.

We hiked down to the Mesa Falls - upper and lower to get some good photos of rushing water.

There is no shortage of rushing water - rivers and falls with all the melting snow.

If you look closely you can see the rainbow to the left of the falls - it sounded like a thundering train.

We could feel the mist from the rushing falls where we stood behind the guard rail.

Artist Point Falls were spectacular - we were shooting right into the sun - so the falls lit up with beautiful back-light through the mist rising from the river bed.

As we were leaving Yellowstone we saw herds of Bison coming down from the mountains for their evening dinner - munching grass.

A little Bison Calf in the herd.

After spending 2 full days visiting Yellowstone National Park - we said goodbye to the most prolific of the wildlife that we saw here. Goodbye Mr Bison.
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