Dry Camping is another word for 'Boondocking' - where an RVer can park their campers for free overnight while driving through.
There are many places where RVers 'boondock' - Walmart is a popular place, many stores offer free camping as well as the Elks and some rest stops.

This is the front entrance of Cabela's a sporting good and clothing store in Provo Utah where we decided to park our RVs for the night. We did some shopping - got some great shorts, and shirts so it wasn't so free for us and that's what Cabela's - and other stores depend on.

Cabelas hosts more than just RVers passing through - they provide these Horse Corral areas for people who are traveling through the area with their horses.

As you can see there are many horses that are taking advantage of the corral here at Cabelas.

Here - one of the other "Boon-dockers" is walking her horse in the lot. This lady had just come from Colorado where she bought this 6yr old horse named 'Miss Kitty' & she was on her way back home to Vancouver to bring her horse home to meet the other horses she had there.

Cabelas is enormous - reminds me of Kittery Trading Post - but 10 times bigger. Other than all sort of clothing for every sport, it's a great place for guys to view all the equipment - tools - and clothing for hunting or fishing plus all the gear they may need. Everything for any outdoors-person.... not my thing but interesting to see.

This Wildlife display greets us as we enter the store.

The wildlife that is mounted and / or stuffed here has all been donated by hunters - other 'stuffed' wildlife in various exhibits within the store have ended up here because they met an accidental death.

More of the Wildlife on display

A close up of wildlife we saw inside the store.

The view from our Rv - we see Cabelas store with the sun setting on the snowy mountains.

Here is our RVs in the lot with alot of other RVers as we all got ready to call it a night till tomorrow.
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