Camp Verde is a little town filled with interesting shops and antiques - we found Cowboy Corner, an Antique store that buys, sells and trades goods - mostly of cowboy, ranching interest.

This horse was sitting on the roof looking down on us.

Cowboy Corner was and interesting 'melange' of cowboy old and current tools, saddles, and kitchen stuff...

Traveling with Cheryl means finding places of historical interest - and the Verde Valley history is ranching, military posts and Indian culture - so we decided to visit a military post in Camp Verde -

This is the Fort Verde State Historical Park where in 1880 they established about 15 to 20 buildings which housed about 150 people most times and at it's most populated housed over 300 soldiers, men, women and children. This main building served as Headquarters for the Fort.

Among many of the photographs that were in the Headquarters was this photo of Gertrude Eggleston and her husband - couldn't help but include it for our friend Diane - may be an ancestor.

There were 3 buildings besides the Headquarters of Ft Verde that were left - the Officer's Home; the Bachelor Soldiers Home (Barracks) and the Doctor's Quarters. Behind each building was an Outhouse - designated for the residents of that home.

The first home was the Officers' Home where he and his family would live. The downstairs bedroom was the Master suite which had the wash tub, wash basin and fireplace in addition to the master bed.

In the downstairs bedroom were these hats that the Officer's wives may have worn in those times.

One of the upstairs bedrooms may have been for the children - there are the type of shoes they wore in those days.

In one of the upstairs bedroom there was a sewing machine where perhaps the household help may have done the mending and sewing.

This was the single Soldiers' Home

This desk may be like those used by the officers to log the happenings of the day.
Money and Moonshine - typical things you will find in the soldiers Housing.

The original Medicine Bottles that were in the Doctor's Quarters.

This is the Building that housed the Doctors Quarters as you can see this was the operating table with all the tools

As we say goodbye to Fort Verde I caught Co taking one last look at the Outhouse.
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