The 'Crossing of the Sheep' in Cottonwood is a celebrated and once a year event in this area - all the people know about it and they predict the dates and times the sheep will cross through our campground. Each year they don't know how many sheep will come through and the exact time so we all keep a watchful eye as it's quite the sight to see.
This year we are told it was 1200 sheep several burros carrying all the camping gear and provisions for the 'shepherds' and 3 to 4 shepherds.

Here we are "up close and personal" with the herd

There were about 1200 sheep for this crossing - you can see the little 'black' sheep int he middle of this herd.
We all watched in amazement how the sheep were herded by the dogs and the shepherds across the campground and the stream toward the riverbed.

Blanche and Luey kept a watchful eye on the sheep as they crossed the stream and drank the water. Lucy was just poking around being Lucy.

The Sheep have all crossed the stream and are now resting & watering before they head out again.

Here the "Shepherds" are resting before they start hearding the sheep onward again - one of the shepherds told us he was from Peru.
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