Our friend Jane and her dog Puzzle came with us on our day trip to Montezuma's Castle National Monument and Montezuma Well.
Here we are all pictured together - Flo, Jane & Puz, me and Luey (Flo & Co's dog), Cheryl & Lucy, and Co and Blanche - ready for our adventure. Above us you can see the ruins.

Montezuma's Castle is an ancient cliff dwelling which dates back to 1150. We found a Park Ranger along the route that explained how the archeologists are still getting information about the people who lived in these dwellings in this area.

This is a close up view of the Castle which stands in a cliff recess 100 feet above the valley.

This diorama - a small replica of the ruins cut away shows us how the people may have worked and lived in this structure.

We all found the ruins beautiful and fascinating and the dogs all loved running up and down the paths of this National Monument.

As we left the Montezuma's Castle, we decided to visit Montezuma Well a funnel shaped limestone sink containing a pool of water 55ft deep and 368ft across. the springs of warm water replenish the well with over a million and a half gallons of water a day; an amount unvarying, apparently since prehistoric times.

This plaque is a description of Montezuma Well - if you click on photo you may be able to enlarge it to read the printing... The Well is a limestone sinkhole and was an important source of water for the Singua Indians about 11,000 years ago.

Montezuma Well is a subterranean spring that maintains a temperature of 78 degrees year-round.

This plaque explains the forming of Montezuma's Well - if you double click on the image you may be able to enlarge it to read how it all started 12 million years ago -

The beautiful blue water of the well looks inviting and cool.

The 'girls' Puzzle, Lucy, Blanche & Luey in front of the Well - they said "let us go in mommies" we're hot and need a swim....

Jane, Flo and the dogs Luey & Puzzle rest in the shade - by noon temps had already reached 80 degrees - time to head back to camp and out of the heat for the dogs and gals.

Puzzle - Blanche - Lucy & Luey sit under the shade of a tree - tired & hot - ready to go home after their interesting and informative day.
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