Glacier National Park is a wonderful place to visit and one that we never new about. Half of the park is in Montana and the other half is in Canada.

We took 2 days to drive through Glacier National Park - the first day we drove from the east side on the Many Glacier Entrance and the second day we came in on the West Entrance. Both days we drove as far as they would let us - but never were able to make it to Logan Pass which is the best part of the drive as the road to the sun was closed in certain areas due to the avalanche danger with the snow still on the mountains around us.

Here is a close up of 'Many Glacier' - we saw photos of this same glacier 20 years ago and it was so much larger.

This sign talks about the melting of the Glaciers. Every year the glacier is getting smaller and smaller in size - the sad story is that they say this glacier will be gone within 20 years. Who says there is 'no Global Warming'?

There is no shortage of rushing water here as the Glacier's are melting the winter snows.

You may have to double click on this photo to appreciate the gal and her dog taking a 'Paddle Board Ride' on the lake.

Our friends Co and Flo were taking photos of their little dog Luey as she tried to go swimming - she just loves the water.
However - the water is from the run-off of the glaciers so you can imagine how cold that water was....

These next two photos of the lake with the little boats looked so peaceful - Notice the snow still on the mountains in the background - shorts weather where were though.

Here I am doing what I love to do most - take photos... though I love to photograph people I am slowly gaining more love of landscapes and nature photography the more we travel.

These Red Tour Buses are used to take tourists on the Road to the Sun drive across Glacier National Park.

Here is a close up of West Glacier as it reflects in Lake McDonald on the West side of the Road to the Sun.

As we said goodbye to Glacier National Park - we admired the beauty of the reflections of the Glaciers in the lake.
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