Getting ready to drive into Bryce Canyon
Today we hiked and visited Bryce Canyon - named after Ebenezer Bryce (you can double click on the image to make larger to read if you want) - who discovered this area when he settled into the Utah land around the canyon. I bet between the two of us Cheryl & I took over 500 photos - hard to edit for sure.
We were both hanging onto the tree and each other for dear life here because the winds had picked up to almost 50 miles an hour and we felt we were going to be swept off the paths into the canyon.
This is one of my favorite views - the Amphitheater - these spires are between 6ft and 100 ft tall. And you look down into it from 3 sides so the view and the light is different from each perspective.
The Amphitheater is the one that most people see when they see images of Bryce Canyon because it's just spectacular and it comprises more than 180 degree view which cannot be captured by most wide angle lenses... and each view holds the light differently.
They don't remove these beautiful old dead trees that are found all around Bryce.... they allow the wind and weather to give their bark a beautiful smooth shiny gray sheen. They become beautiful sculptures around the park.
We are standing on the edge of the path to the Amphitheater Point holding onto the railing so as not to get blown off...
So while we climbed to the views on the paths.....the girls waited in the car for us to return.... yes that's little Luey in the back seat window.
Inspiration Point was truly that quite the inspiration area.
Here is a closer look at a small part of Inspiration Point
You can see why this point is called 'Inspiration Point' with the light hitting it from behind the formations glow and look warm.
A different vantage point gives totally different feels to the spires because of the way the light hits the canyon from different paths we take.
More views of Inspiration Point...
Next we visited the Natural Bridge vista.
This Natural Bridge is actually an arch and has been forming for thousands of years.
Ponderosa Point was a tough hike and windy area
This is Rainbow Point a bit greener than the other areas
A view from Sunrise Point -
Sunrise & Sunset Point are not too far from each other - just a different vantage point in the canyons...
Sunset point was our last area to visit in Bryce Canyon.
Here's a closer look at some of the formations ...
This is another view of Sunset Point - you can see people walking on the paths to the floor of the canyon - seeing how small they are will give you a feel for how huge these canyon walls are...
Sunset Point was a good place to end our visit to Bryce Canyon as the end of day light was beginning to light up this vista.
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