Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lucy was very sad to see rain again today!

We started out the day today with rain but it cleared up and turned sunny so that we could drive through the wine region of upstate New York. Then by 3pm - it turned dark again and we got rain and HAIL!!! we miss sunny Arizona.... but we look forward to our warm house too...

Blanche & Lucy visit Willow Creek Vinyards in Upstate NY

In the Finger Lakes region of New York there are tons of wineries... so we drove alone the Wine Trail - Rte 5 in upstate NY and stopped at this winery where Cheryl tasted ALL of their wines. since I was driving I only tasted their 'Chocolate Wine' & their 'Cream Sherry'. Very light wines but tasty. I bought 3 bottles to take home to share with friends......

Looking down the line of vines

In the springtime the vines are young and have no fruit yet.... we will come back in Sept to see these same vines plump with grapes.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The California Poppy is my favorite Desert Bloom in AZ

Since it's raining where we are these days there is nothing to photograph - so I thought I'd share one of the last photo outings I had with firends. We went out and shot the beautiful Desert Blooms in Apache Junction, Arizona. March is the best month in Az to see these lovely flowers. Enjoy the next several posts of flowers - some of which unfortunately I don't know the names of...

Beautiful Yellow Desert Blooms

These yellow daisies were the most plentiful and beautifully delicate

Yello Desert Blooms

I believe these are called Fiddleheads... those of you who can confirm this let me know

More Desert Blooms

These delicate blossoms have an interesting name - but I don't know it... anyone out there know this one?

Desert Blooms in Arizona

I don't know the name of this blossom so if any of you can help me out - I can name it....

Friends photographing the flowers

A few of us decided to hunt out the spring desert blooms and found a bountiful field of assorted flowers to shoot.

Blanche & Lucy visit the Amana Colonies

We stopped in Amana Iowa to visit the Amana Colonies where in the 1800 a colony of pioneers immigrated from Germany and set up towns in this area - Amana - North Amana - South Amana - East Amana - High Amana - Middle Amana (Very creative....) Very interesting and beautiful buildings. Lots of crafts from the residents and foods from their kitchens....

General Store at the Amana Colonies

This type of sineage was on most buildings to tell us something about that building - this is where the General Store was during the Amana Colonies time.

President Herbert Hoover's Childhood Home

We stopped in West Branch Iowa to visit the homestead of former President Herbert Hover. This is the exterior of the 2-room home he grew up in - Yes that's an outhouse in the back!

Bedroom in Herbert Hoover's Childhood home

Herbert Hoover's childhood home was a 2 room house with an outdoor summer kitchen - this was the only bedroom - cradle on right out of sight

Meeting House at the Herbert Hoover exhibit site

Hoover's family were Quakers and his mother was one of the leaders of the community - this was their Meeting House where they assembled twice a week to worship

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where in the World is Blanch and Lucy camping?!

We camped at the Gothenburg, Nebraska City Park - for only $15.... and we knew we were in Nebraska because the bugs were as big as goats! And the girls spotted their first Squirrels of the season!

Where in the World is Blanch and Lucy Now?!

Gothenburg, Nebraska - where we found one of the Original Pony Express stops during the Pioneer days.

Blanche and Lucy in front of the Pony Express monument

Blanche and Lucy were very interested in the Pony Express building and monument - but they especially loved the sheepskin coat inside the building with all the other original Pony Express stuff!

Pioneers enroute to Zion

Just outside of the Pony Express building is this plackard of the colony of Mormon pioneers on their way through Nebraska on their way to Utah

Pony Express Building in Gothenburg, Nebraska

This is the original Pony Express building - go inside for a look at original mailbags, and coats worn by riders as well as lots more....
Anyone driving through Nebraska this summer should stop by this Pony Express exhibit = July 15, 2010 will be their 25th anniversary and they will be opening this time capsule at that time with lots of ceremonies.... and fun

The Platt River Archway Museum over Rte 80 in Neb.

This is what you will see from the freeway - certainly worth a look inside - the Pioneer Museum is a great interactive display of all that happened during the trip cross country by the pioneering families... very interesting and done very well

No Platt, Nebraska Archway Pioneer Museum

Some of the exhibits were so life-like I had to get real close to them to be certain they were statues
Cheryl and Mark Twain with an Authentic Stagecoach at the Archway Pioneer Museum in No Platt, Neb.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My little monkey - Ethan

Ethan climbs their playground equipment like a little monkey

Littleton Academy - Tyler's new school

Today we visited the school that Tyler will be attending in September....

Tyler and her big beautiful brown eyes

Tyler and I were just talking about our favorite colors.... mine is yellow and she said: " of course that's why you like my dress" and she's right!

The Elton look for Ethan

Ethan in my funny boy - he took Tyler's glasses and just put them on ..... too cute

Saying goodbye to Tyler & Ethan

Blanche & Lucy love Tyler and were sad to bye-bye

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Visiting time in Colorado

Day 3 on the road - now in Colorado visiting with my grandkids - Tyler and Ethan, their new puppy Charlie (girl) and my daughter Denise and hubby Gary.

Having a great relaxing time - eating great meals - Den's a great cook and Gary the Grill King.

Tyler ane Ethan are a joy to be with - Tyler 4yr plays dress-up and dances along with the Wiggles. Ethan 18mos is a comic and happy baby - every time he sees the camera he smiles and poses.

Charlie & Lucy

New Friends - Lucy & my daughter's new puppy Charlie (she's 11wks old)

Ready for bed

My grandson Ethan in those sexy PJ's
Blanche & Lucy Spending the day playing Ethan
Saying goodbye to the Desert on the way out of town.
Hi all - well Blanche and Lucy are heading back to Massachusetts from a wonderful Winter in Arizona. We spent the day saying good by to friends - desert flowers and saguaros as they are called by folks in the southwest.

We spent the first night at the Sky City Casino RV Park just outside Alburquerque, New Mexico. Only $15.00 a night for a site with full hookups with a $10 free casino voucher - of course we went into the casino and I went on to win $44.78 on the penny slots.... so I paid for the site, and for breakfast with $$ to spare....

look for more photos along the road

Saying goodby to Diane & Co - we'll miss you!!